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ST0037 Rhenium Sputtering Target
  • Catalog No.ST0037
  • Chemical FormulaRe
  • CAS Number7440-15-5
  • Purity99.99%
  • ShapeDiscs, Plates, Column Targets, Step Targets, Custom-made

Rhenium sputtering target is available in various forms, purities, sizes, and prices. Stanford  Materials (SMC) is your one-stop source to find rhenium sputter targets for sale.


Rhenium (Re) Sputtering Targets Description

Stanford Materials Corporation (SMC) offers a complete line of sputtering targets ranging from commercial grade to the highest purity, zone-refined Ultra-Pure grade. We provide high-purity metal, metal alloy and ceramic sputtering targets in more than 500 compositions. We are able to produce targets of rare or less frequently used compositions as well as a wide array of standard items at competitive prices.

Rhenium (Re) Sputtering Targets Specification

Purity 99.99%
Shape Disc Targets, Plate Targets, Column Targets, Step Targets, Custom-made
Size Circular: Diameter < 14inch, Thickness > 1mm; Block: Length < 32inch, Width < 12inch, Thickness > 1mm


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